
The Civil War DVD by Ken Burns

If you want to know the truth, I don't like war stories. But I watched all parts of The Civil War (1990). It is very well done, but there were times I found myself falling asleep during the parts when they talked about the battles. I forced myself to go back and listen what I missed in order to get the full impact and enormity of the Civil War and its costs. I'd recommend it for an impressionistic view of the War, the gravity and importance of the War to Americans today. It is easy to forget history and what has happened in the past (and why), yet we are who we are as a country, a culture, and individuals because of the sacrifices of those in the past who participated in democracy and for freedom as they understood it. The Civil War frames us even today. I would rate this series a 4 1/2 stars. It probably deserves 5 stars, and know I am showing my bias against war stories by my rating.

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